serving its members and the Vero Beach art community through, education, exhibitions, social events and monthly meetings with special programs and guest artists.

Beautify Vero Community

Vero Beach Art Club

Beautifying Vero Beach with Art in Public Places

Our Vero Beach Art Club member artists have volunteered countless hours creating art in public places around the greater Vero Beach area. They have painted murals on historic buildings, painted panels installed in the Vero Beach Community Center, on a block wall in downtown Vero and on a Riverside Park building. If you are interested in sponsoring a mural, sculpture or other artwork piece by our artists, click on the button below.


Mural at the Ocean Research and Conservation Association Research Center

Vero Beach Art Club artists create a series of panels for a brand new mural for the new research center in the old water treatment plant on Aviation Blvd near US1. Five of the murals depict the ecosystems of Indian River County and the sixth painting shows the river at night with the bioluminescence.” Click on the button below for more photos and details.

Bethel Creek House Mural
Our artists came together to create a beautiful mural at the historic Bethel Creek House

In 2015 our artist volunteers painted a mural on the historic Bethel Creek House depicting the beach area.

Community Center Mural
Painted panels create a panoramic picture of nature found in our area

Artists painted each panel separately and then installed them in the Community Center here in Vero

Racquetball Building Mural
Painting birds found in our area, artists bring art to the Riverside Park

Painting gigantic birds in their natural habitat, this mural engulfs the entire north side of the Racquetball building in Riverside Park.

Hibiscus Mural
Large Hibiscus flowers grace the wall along SR60

To further the Art in Public Places mission, our Vero Beach Art Club artist Karen Leffel-Massengill painted a Hibiscus mural on the block wall.

Looking for a way to bring art into public places. The Vero Beach Art Club is always looking for volunteers, and donations to help support our many projects. We would love to have you join us!