serving its members and the Vero Beach art community through, education, exhibitions, social events and monthly meetings with special programs and guest artists.

History and Locations

Vero Beach Art Club

A brief history about our locations


The first person here in Vero Beach to form a group interested in art was Miss Janette Beach. Six persons met at her home on 21st Ave. on Jan. 15, 1936. They called themselves the “Sketch Club”.

With 174 members the Art Club continued to grow and started holding classes at the “2001 Building” at 9th Ave & 20th Place 1040 sq. ft, which we quickly outgrew. We held classes in a variety of mediums.


We moved out Arts & Crafts Shop to 1935 Old Dixie Hwy. It was called the Moveable Feast.


Cover designed by Bernard Goldberg
Moveable Feast.jpg

We opened an Art Gallery 1969 14th Avenue


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1977 Gallery 2.png
1977 Gallery 3.png

We created a brochure for our classes.


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Classes 1978-1979 pg2.png
The Winter Art Show which later became Under the Oaks Fine Arts & Crafts Show


In November 1980 a $1 a year Lease (assumed for 99 years) was given to Alliance for the Arts and the Vero Beach Art Club for land to build a Cultural Arts Center and Museum.

Here is an excerpt from the Historian Report May 21, 1981 “When we moved to 1969 14th Avenue with water supply, storage and action space, the classes took off.”

320 students in 25 different classes from 1977-1981 from 16 teachers in a variety of mediums.
It generated enough income for the “rent to be paid and the air conditioning to be available.”

1979-1980 there were 228 Active Members


Artits Teach 1982.jpg


Excerpt from the Historian Report for 1983-1984 We held Classes TWO LOCATIONS: 1969 14th Avenue (outgrowing the space) & 489 22nd Place

Artists Teach 1984.jpg

216 classes in one year

45 Seminars and several Workshops

1982-1983 there were 296 Active Members

We also had our lending library

Teach Youth 1984 pg2.jpg


Historian Report for the 1984-1985 we had once again outgrown our space.

307 classes + 6 seminars/workshops in just one year. 42% class increase in just one year!

“The classes came through so that it wasn’t necessary to dip into the Building Fund.”

We Have Moved 1984.png

The Center for the Arts opens on Riverside Drive. The Vero Beach Art Club provided Temporary Exhibitions, Classes, Workshops, Lectures, Seminars, Film Series and other cultural Activities. It was a cooperative effort between the Alliance For the Arts and the Vero Beach Art Club. In the beginning we also held Chamber music groups, concerts and recitals in the auditorium.


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We opened a Gallery at the new Indian River Mall (sometimes referred to as the Vero Mall)


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1997 IR Mall Gallery2.png

On May 15, 1998 the Vero Beach Art Club and the Center for the Arts moved to a temporary location at Luria’s Plaza located at 909 14th Ln off US 1 (also known as the Vero Mall). We also had a Gallery location at the Indian River Mall on SR 60. We had a Members Exhibition from October 2 – November 15 at the Indian River Mall Gallery. It was called the “OFFCENTER GALLERY”. We moved back into the current location at 3001 Riverside Park Dr on May 24, 1999.



We decided to start a Building Committee to look into a place of our own. With the Center For the Arts renovations and them moving toward becoming a Museum, we needed a space for our exhibits, events, classes, workshops, etc.


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Architect: Phil Steel

Architect: Phil Steel

Floor Plan.png

Building was broached multiple times, but never became feasible. Over the years we have revisited this concept and in 2012 the museum actively opposed the idea. We also looked into our own space in 2017 in addition to multiple other drastic changes, but the Board was opposed and the idea was again abandoned.

Currently we have over 500 members.

We have multiple opportunities for artists to show and sell their work, but not for them to learn and grow.

We only donate funds to other organizations to provide educational opportunities for children. We provide no educational opportunities to our own members (adults or children).

In August 2019 we sent out a survey about a second location for classes, workshops, salons, open studios for artists to work, meetings, social functions and other uses of a larger space.
Total Surveys emailed or mailed: 528
Members who Responded: 149 translates to 28% AN INCREDIBLY HIGH RESPONSE!


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Survey Results Pie Chart.png

“Averaging It Out” Overwhelmingly our members that responded are in favor of a second location for a Gallery, Classes and Workshops! Total Yes Votes 453, No Votes 101, giving us an average of: 113 YES, 24 NO.


Art Club Annex

2020 promises to bring exciting times to the Art Club!
Your Club has taken the plunge and signed a lease for 1791 Old Dixie Highway on 12/10/2019. The Board, staff and membership are thrilled with the prospect of the Club at last having our own space in which we can hold classes, activities and events.

Pictured L-R: Rosemary Polsky-Newman, Christina Barber and Camy De Mario

Pictured L-R: Rosemary Polsky-Newman, Christina Barber and Camy De Mario

We met with Brady Roberts, Director of the Vero Beach Museum of Art to assure him our Club is fully maintaining our relationship with the Museum, including our office space, Members’ Invitational, Art by the Sea, Open Studios, Board and General Meetings. We are pleased to report that he is totally in favor of our expansion into a second location in the Historic Arts District.

Anyone who would like to volunteer with renovations, donate equipment, supplies, or monitor studios, please let us know. A list of needs will be forthcoming. We are still accepting proposals to teach classes or workshops. Teachers will be paid (unless you would like to volunteer your time). See our website for details (Education Tab).

We are also planning several month-long shows in Raw Space (dates to be set soon). Stay tuned for news on our progress with renovations, as well as scheduling of classes and workshops, gallery, studio times and availability for other Club functions.

Our intention is to have our Grand Opening at the Gallery Stroll on the first Friday of March 2020.